Let’s use immersive technologies to get out of the same four walls and explore the world around us.
IMEX[cursions] aim to do just that: By leveraging 360º Video, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, each field trip will take viewers to the far corners of the globe, allowing for up-close and hands-on discovery of other cultures – their historical landmarks, cultural traditions, favorite cuisines and much more.
The IMEX Lab team aims to add IMEX[cursions] throughout the academic year, so check back for new tours of the world.
Penn State Beaver visits the Emerald Isle in Spring 2023 and wants to share their Ireland itinerary with the everyone. Let's ExploreCosta Rica
With its abundance of natural beauty, emphasis on conservation and peaceful culture, Costa Rica is a Latin American treasure. Let's ExploreMyanmar
From pagoda-dotted hillsides to lush jungle habitats, the landscapes of Myanmar set a striking backdrop for a long - and, at times, tumultuous - history. Let's ExploreCzech Republic
We again explore four pathways to learning about Czech Republic as part of New Kensington's 2020-2021 campus Country of Focus. Let's ExploreGermany
We set off on a road trip to find both Teutonic cool and warm Deutsch traditions as we travel between cities large and small in this IMEX[cursion]. Let's ExploreTanzania
In this IMEX[cursion], we set our sights on Tanzania, home of Africa’s tallest mountain, fastest growing city and a wide diversity of peoples, languages and biodiversity. Let's ExploreEcuador
¡Chula Vida! We head for Ecuador in this IMEX[cursion] and turn our sights on a wonderful mix of indigenous traditions, modern cities - and a stunning backdrop of natural drama. Let's ExploreEngland
Taking the Eurostar from France, we find ourselves in England for this IMEX[cursion]. Let's delve in and see what makes this former empire so glorious still. Let's ExploreFrance
We're off to France, home of the city of lights, Paris and bustling economy, complexly mingled society and reputation for being a home of art in Europe. Let's ExploreSouth Korea
In this IMEX[cursion], our focus shifts to South Korea where we explore four pathways to learning about this dynamic culture. Let's ExploreEgypt
In this IMEX[cursion] we visit Egypt, focusing on the juxtaposition between modern day Cairo and the culture's ancient past. Let's Explore🧳 Pack your bags and get ready to travel.
Before you depart to you digital destination, take a moment to get acclimated with the tools and technologies we’ll be using to take you there.
Take IMEX[cursions] to your class. 🍏
Are you an instructor looking to bring one of the IMEX[cursion] experiences into your classroom? Our sample assignments, broadly centered on any IMEX[cursion] or specifically focused on Ecuador, present useful ideas for structuring in-or-out of class activities that can be completed by students working in a variety of instructional modalities.
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Sharing Feedback
If you have used the IMEX[cursions] in or out of the classroom, we would love to hear from you. We will be continually improving our resources for supporting immersive content in teaching and learning and your feedback goes a long way towards that goal. At the end of an activity, please take a moment to reflect and fill out our Experience Catalog Feedback form.