866-266-7496 imex@psu.edu

Experience Catalog

Whether you are looking for a demonstration of what’s possible in virtual reality, an immersive tour of a landmark halfway around the world or aspects of the microcosm, the Experience Catalog has you covered. Our team curates this evolving list of videos and apps with varied disciplines and teaching goals in mind.

Visit Getting the Most Out of the Experience Catalog for helpful tips on using this resource.

Browse for Experiences by Type

360º Viewer

360º + 180º Video

AR Object

Augmented Reality

VR Environment

Virtual Reality

Not sure which content is which?

There can be a lot of overlap and general confusion about where one technology ends and another begins when people talk about the various tools involved in taking part in an immersive experience. To help define the three frontiers that IMEX Lab continues exploring, the team put together this helpful guide to 360º video,  Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

More About This Resource

The Experience Catalog is an ongoing, collaborative project between Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) and the Virtual and Augmented Reality (VAR) Lab at Penn State Behrend. This resource is free to browse for the general public and both TLT and VAR Lab welcome others within the University community who want to partner to further develop the Catalog.

TLT Wordmark VAR Lab Art

Banner image by World Economic Forum found via the Free Media Library

Do you have an Experience you would like to see?

Help us grow the Experience Catalog: If you have a specific topic you are teaching in your course, a region of the world you would like your students to explore or an inside view that you have been curious about, we would love to hear from you!

Submit Your Suggestion