866-266-7496 imex@psu.edu


Catalyst: Imagined Excursions, Real World Recoveries Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC)’s Science program, Catalyst visits a fitness center where Virtual Reality (VR) headsets and joysticks are every bit as impactful as the free weights and treadmills. Dr Jordan...


BBC: Media Beyond the Screen The BBC, venerable news organization and purveyor of countless visionary documentaries and educational films via traditional formats, is exploring the potential for creating meaningful media in augmented reality. Leveraging lightweight...

Speed Up Panning in YouTube VR

Speed Up Panning in YouTube VR Launch the YouTube VR app. The app is available in your Library, accessible from the bottom navigation. Load and play a 360º video. You will notice a Grab screen to move suggestion as the video begins playing. Click with one of the...