866-266-7496 imex@psu.edu
Notes on Blindness

Notes on Blindness

Notes on Blindness Description In 1983, after decades of steady deterioration, John Hull became totally blind. To help him make sense of the upheaval in his life, he began documenting his experiences on audio cassettes. These original diary recordings create the basis...


Spatial Description Come together in the Metaverse for Culture. Create art galleries, NFT exhibits, community hangouts, immersive events, creative collaboration, and so much more. Spatial enables people to feel connected in order to cultivate both community and...


NOMADS Description The Nomads Series transports you across the Earth into the intimate reality of several nomadic cultures. Experience the way of life of Yak Herders in the Mongolian steppes, Maasai in Kenya, and Sea Gypsies living off the coast of Borneo. Nomads move...


Nanome Description Step into Nanome and experience the world at the molecular level. From drug discovery to chemistry class, Nanome is a powerful tool for research and education. Visualize, design, and simulate chemical compounds, proteins, and nucleic acids like...
Pollinator Park

Pollinator Park

Pollinator Park Description Pollinator Park is a crossover between a zoo, theme park, an interactive museum and a crystal ball: both educational and emotionally engaging. As a park visitor, unravel the story of Beatrice Kukac, try your hand at hand pollination, go...