866-266-7496 imex@psu.edu

VR Experiences

Virtual Reality (VR) takes the viewer inside a wholly created world. This environment may draw directly from or be inspired by experiences in the real world, but does not, by definition, need to do so. A simple VR experience may only place the view inside a constructed space and let them observe. More advanced VR content allows the viewer to interact with and manipulate the environment around them, including some combination of moving objects, talking with simulated characters, building new items in 3D space and much more.

VR Environment

Choose Your Headset

Oculus Quest 2

Meta Quest 2



AR Object

Meta Rift

VR Environment

Oculus Go


Bringing VR Experiences to Class

Whether using it as part of an in-class activity or having your students access Experience Catalogue items on their own to enhance their understanding of course topics, these tips should help you make the most our resources and ensure a smooth interaction.

Curious About VR Spaces?

The Emerging Technologies team in Creative Learning Initiatives recently held a virtual reality spaces-focused showcase that highlights some of the apps included in this Experience Catalogue – and they recorded it for anyone to review.

Learn More About the Showcase