866-266-7496 imex@psu.edu
Environmental Stewardship on the Dairy Farm

Environmental Stewardship on the Dairy Farm

Environmental Stewardship on the Dairy Farm Description Take an immersive tour of the Poulin Farm in Northern Vermont. Learn about some of the techniques and technologies dairy farmers are using to protect our soils and waters. What Works Well This video is a thorough...
Canadian Free-Run Egg Farm Tour

Canadian Free-Run Egg Farm Tour

Canadian Free-Run Egg Farm Tour Description In this 360° tour, you’ll learn what makes eggs “Free Run”, what the hens eat, how hens are cared for, as well as how solar power in generated to meet this farm’s needs. What Works Well This video takes the viewer into a...
Step into a Navajo Hogan

Step into a Navajo Hogan

Step into a Navajo Hogan Description Preston Ashley, a sheep herder, lives in a hogan with no electricity or running water on the Navajo reservation near the Arizona-New Mexico line. Preston Ashley, a sheep herder, lives in a hogan with no electricity or running water...
Using Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs to Protect Chickens

Using Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs to Protect Chickens

Using Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs to Protect Chickens Description Are you interested in raising great pyrenees livestock guardian dogs to protect your chickens, goats, sheep, or other livestock? If so, today I would like to share some tips with you in a 360...
Boat Ride on the Vltava, Prague

Boat Ride on the Vltava, Prague

Boat Ride on the Vltava, Prague Description One of the best ways to explore Prague is from the river Vltava. Hop on a boat and cruise between famous sights of the city or enjoy the ride in this 360 video. What Works Well This video is a chance to see Prague’s...