Costa Rica Rainforest Description Produced and Directed by Jenny Guo What Works Well This video presents an in-depth look at the work being done to preserve the habitat of Costa Rica’s spider monkey population, critically threatened by illegal logging and...
El Cocal Description Ojo al Clima es el primer suplemento del país dedicado a noticias sobre cambio climático y cómo nos afecta. A partir del 8 de diciembre en el Semanario Universidad tiramos la casa por la ventana: 32 páginas con las mejores fotos y contenidos del...
PROCOMER VR Experience Description [PROCOMER es una entidad pública de carácter no estatal, que tiene a su cargo la promoción de las exportaciones de Costa Rica. Visítenos en] What Works Well This video provides information about the extensive...
LIFE RID’s Experimental Station Description Take a walk through our state of the art experimental station in the rainforest of Costa Rica with our CEO Juan Delgado. What Works Well This video is a thorough tour of an experimental farm run by a local agribusiness...
Life in Costa Rica | Grocery Shopping Hike Description Living in Costa Rica off grid in the jungle without a car. Join our experience in 360° VR video with 4K resolution. We cross a raging river on a sketchy bridge, pass a huge mystical tree worshiped by Mayans, and...