866-266-7496 imex@psu.edu
Animals of Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador

Animals of Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador

Animals of Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador Description The most famous inhabitant of the Galapagos gives the name to the whole archipelago: “Isolas de Galápagos” that means “The Island of Tortoises”. The Galápagos tortoise, also called the Elephant tortoise, is the...
Pimpilala Jungle Homestay

Pimpilala Jungle Homestay

Pimpilala Jungle Homestay Description Impressions from our Ecuador trip in October 2017 captured in 360° 3D. A big ‘thank you’ goes to all the lovely Ecuadorians who hosted us, gave us directions or just helped killing some beers… What Works Well...
NOVOPAN: Paneles de Madero

NOVOPAN: Paneles de Madero

NOVOPAN: Paneles de Madero Description Pasión por hacer las cosas bien. Novopan del Ecuador S.A. is located in Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador and is part of the Lumber & Plywood Product Manufacturing Industry. Novopan del Ecuador S.A. has 250 total employees across all...
Walk Around an Unbound Family Photoshoot in Ecuador

Walk Around an Unbound Family Photoshoot in Ecuador

Walk Around an Unbound Family Photoshoot in Ecuador Description A behind the scenes walk around an Unbound family’s home during a family photoshoot. What Works Well This video gives a quick view of a family’s rural home and domestic work space in rural...
Riding the Devil’s Nose Train – Nariz del Diabolo

Riding the Devil’s Nose Train – Nariz del Diabolo

​Riding the Devil’s Nose Train – Nariz del Diabolo Description Starting from Alausi we took this old train driving the historical route via the infamous Devil’s Nose path. Enjoy a panoramical train ride through the Ecuadorian Ande[s] without risking...