866-266-7496 imex@psu.edu
Ausblick über das Deutsches Eck in Koblenz

Ausblick über das Deutsches Eck in Koblenz

Ausblick über das Deutsches Eck in Koblenz Description Erlebe das weltberühmte Deutsche Eck aus einer ganz neuen Perspektive. In unserem 360° Video hast du die Möglichkeit virtuell in das atemberaubende Panorama einzutauchen. Deutsches Eck (“German...
Watch Why Africa’s Maasai Tribe Faces Threat of Extinction

Watch Why Africa’s Maasai Tribe Faces Threat of Extinction

Watch Why Africa’s Maasai Tribe Faces Threat of Extinction Description The Maasai are one of the most culturally distinct tribes in Africa. They can be found in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania but their nomadic way of life is under threat. Will the changes...
A Subsistence Marketplace In Rural Tanzania

A Subsistence Marketplace In Rural Tanzania

A Subsistence Marketplace In Rural Tanzania​ Description Experience a marketplace in rural Tanzania. On the first viewing, jot down your thoughts, gut feelings, observations to develop understanding of needs, drivers, the larger context. Spend some time reflecting on...
Boating Safaris in The Selous

Boating Safaris in The Selous

Boating Safaris in The Selous Description Take a 360° virtual tour of what a boating safari in The Selous entails. The Selous Game Reserve is a protected area in southern Tanzania. It covers a total area of 50,000 km2 (19,000 sq mi) and has additional buffer zones. It...
Tour Ehlane Plains Camp, Serengeti

Tour Ehlane Plains Camp, Serengeti

Tour Ehlane Plains Camp, Serengeti Description A quick tour of Ehlane Plains Camp, located in Eastern Serengeti, Tanzania. What Works Well This video allows the viewer to get an on-the-ground look at the experience of staying in a safari camp in the Serengeti....