VR City Tour: Yangon, Burma (Ragoon, Myanmar) Description Yangon (ရန္ကုန္), Myanmar’s largest city, is by far the most exciting place in the country to be right now, as former political exiles, Asian investors and foreign adventurers flock in. As Myanmar’s...
Extracellular Vesicles: The Cells’ Secret Messengers Description Excellular vesicles are small areas of cellular membranes that bud inwardly or outwardly, often carrying cargo from one cell to another. Research is only now beginning to understand how these...
Powered By Me Description Every Google product you use was made by someone, somewhere. People mined the raw ingredients that went into the phone parts, and factory workers assembled those parts. Workers helped transport the completed products from factory floor to...
Shibuya Scramble Crossing, Tokyo Description Shibuya is one of Tokyo’s most colorful and busy districts, packed with shopping, dining and nightclubs serving swarms of visitors that come to the district everyday. Shibuya is a center for youth fashion and culture,...
Bending the Rules of Geometry Description Hyperbolic geometry may be partially responsible for breakthroughs in physics such as general relativity and quantum field theory. But we’re not used to seeing curved environments like the ones in this video. What Works...