866-266-7496 imex@psu.edu
Eat at a Costa Rica Soda

Eat at a Costa Rica Soda

Eat at a Costa Rica Soda Description Want to eat like a local in Costa Rica? Go to a soda! That is the name of local restaurants where you can find traditional dishes like gallo pinto, casados and more. They are generally not too expensive and are open air, small...
Anécdotas 360: Pila de La Melaza [2 of 2]

Anécdotas 360: Pila de La Melaza [2 of 2]

Anécdotas 360: Pila de La Melaza [2 of 2] Description Esta visita guiada es una experiencia que les permitirá conocer la historia de la Antigua Fábrica Nacional de Licores. What Works Well This video continues on the national liquor factory tour, focusing on the steps...
Anécdotas 360: Entrada Parque España [1 of 2]

Anécdotas 360: Entrada Parque España [1 of 2]

Anécdotas 360: Entrada Parque España [1 of 2] Description La pintora Frida Kahlo, a quien se recuerda en el 110 aniversario de su natalicio que se cumple este jueves, es una de las figuras más importantes y cotizadas de la plástica mexicana a nivel mundial, y su obra...
2018 Costa Rican Presidential Inauguration

2018 Costa Rican Presidential Inauguration

2018 Costa Rican Presidential Inauguration Description Carlos Alvarado was inaugurated as Costa Rica’s 48th President on May 8th, 2018 at Democracy Plaza in San Jose Costa Rica. What Works Well This video allows the viewer to take part in the pomp of a large...
Isla San Lucas, Costa Rica

Isla San Lucas, Costa Rica

Isla San Lucas, Costa Rica Description [San Lucas Island National Park (Spanish: Parque Nacional Isla San Lucas) is an island located off the Pacific shore of Costa Rica in the Gulf of Nicoya. It is part of the Puntarenas district of Puntarenas Canton of the province...