Ziele, Zielgruppen und Vorteile des Bachelorstudiengangs Medien, IT und Management
Studierende der Hochschule Mainz stellen die Ziele, Zielgruppen und Vorteile des Bachelorstudiengangs Medien, IT und Management in einem selbsterstellen 360-Grad-Video vor.
What Works Well
This video allows the viewer to join three university students as they discuss their experiences of the IT and Management program in Mainz.
- Computer & Information Systems
- Education
- Humanities & Language
classroom, college, cybersecurity, germany, higher education, informal learning, information technology, listening comprehension, mainz, programming, tour, university
Bachelor Medien, IT & Management – Hochschule Mainz
Level of Guidance

What does this mean?
The Level of Guidance indicates how much the creator has imbued the video with a sense of at what the viewer should be looking.
For instance, a Level 1 video would mean that the camera has been left in place while life happens around it, allowing you, as the viewer, to simply observe. A Level 2 video might incorporate subtle visual, textual or audible hints or simple transitions. A Level 3 video would rely on a handful of hints and transition. A Level 4 video would employ multiple hints and dialogue. And a Level 5 video would rely on all of the above as well as a narrative arc that pushes the viewer forward.
Another way of looking at this would be how much production went into the video if you are considering making one of your own like it.