866-266-7496 imex@psu.edu



Take a trip into orbit and experience life on board the International Space Station! In this Emmy-nominated simulation, learn how to move and work in zero-gravity. Dock a space capsule, take a spacewalk, and let real NASA astronauts guide you on the ISS through informative videos and images.

What Works Well

This is a great introductory virtual reality simulation with a lot to do. Go through all the missions or explore the space station at your own pace. Be sure to take a look at some of the equipment in the station and trigger the interactive content.


  • Physical Sciences & Mathematics


astronomy, educational media, informal learning, international space station, physics, simulation



Level of Interactivity

What does this mean?
The Level of Interactivity indicates how many interactive features an experience has.

For instance, a Level 1 would be a more passive experience where you will be able to look around freely, but you will not be triggering or interacting with things in the environment.  A Level 2 will provide some level of interactivity but only very basically, such as being able to move between different scenes in the experience. A Level 3 will start to incorporate some more complex interactions using a remote or controller to trigger things within the scenes. A Level 4 would be a fully interactive experience but something you are still guided through. Finally, a Level 5 would be a fully interactive experience that gives you complete control of how to use it.


Oculus Quest

Oculus Go

Oculus Rift

Large Group Scale
Class Scale Use (≈24)