Google Earth VR
The world has so many beautiful and amazing places to visit. If we’re lucky, we’re able to travel and see a few of them. But even the most active travelers can only see a fraction. What if we could see them all?
What Works Well
This is a great example of mixing 360° video with interactive VR content.
- Agriculture & Natural Resources
- Social Sciences
cultural awareness, globe, informal learning, mapping, tourism, travel
Level of Interactivity

What does this mean?
The Level of Interactivity indicates how many interactive features an experience has.
For instance, a Level 1 would be a more passive experience where you will be able to look around freely, but you will not be triggering or interacting with things in the environment. A Level 2 will provide some level of interactivity but only very basically, such as being able to move between different scenes in the experience. A Level 3 will start to incorporate some more complex interactions using a remote or controller to trigger things within the scenes. A Level 4 would be a fully interactive experience but something you are still guided through. Finally, a Level 5 would be a fully interactive experience that gives you complete control of how to use it.